Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dear F.B.

I am trying hard not to miss you, but I think I do. Though I can't figure out exactly why. I feel like using you is and has been a big waste of my time lately. I didn't realize how much I use you until I got on my computer (after I deleted you) and stared blankly at the screen for several minutes because I couldn't think of any websites to visit. Is it true I spend the majority of my time online with you rather than other websites?

When I was in school I used you as an excuse to waste time and avoid doing my papers and h.w. But now that school is over - gasp, can it really be over? Like FOREVER? - I don't know why I use you so much. Oh wait, for pretty much the same reasons. Except now rather than avoiding papers and h.w. it's avoiding...other things.

Actually, I think I miss playing Farkle most of all. Mmm...playing Farkle solo doesn't sound like tons of fun, but you know, when there is no one else around to play with you, it's actually very appealing. However, at this time I don't feel I can justify reinstating you just so I can play Farkle. Especially when I carry dice in my purse practically everywhere just in case a Farkle playing opportunity presents itself.

Was this extreme? Don't answer that. Hmm...maybe I should re-evaluate my deleting you. I'll give it a week or two before I re-evaluate whether or not this is too extreme.

- Me

1 comment:

  1. I was just going to write you on FB but then I couldn't find you!! So then I emailed you and then I checked here and then I saw this. I hope you are having a good time in Germany! I miss you bunches! Love ya!
