Monday, January 3, 2011

Fairwell 2010

I am super excited for 2011, but this entry is dedicated to a quick look back at the best of 2010:

- got rid of my first horse (good riddance, now I can get a nice one)
- completed internship at veterinary clinic
- road trip to ID
- found a "new" car to use my last semester of college, which was great because it made my life that semester much easier
- graduated college with a B.S. degree in July
- road trip back to VA
- ended a relationship that needed to end
- road trip with my sis and her super well-behaved children (and subsequent visit) to AZ
- lost some weight
- gained some confidence and self-esteem
- cleaned out my closet of clothes
- bought some cute clothes my closet now had room for (including a new favorite pea-coat)
- got an awesome compact digi camera
- began visit to Germany in December, which included visits to Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas markets) and Neuschwanstein castle.

Fairwell 2010, here's to the good times.

1 comment:

  1. 2010 was a good year for you! 2011 will be even better I know it!
