Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Horse Secretly Loves Me

So I rode my horse for the first time since we brought her back from the trainer's last Thursday. And what does she do like 10 minutes into it? She tries to buck me off, of course. And not just once but on two separate occasions. That being said, the key word there is tried. Luckily, I thought fast and got after her and was able to stop her without falling off. I didn't even panic like I have in the past when she acts like a brat like that. And I didn't give up or quit riding, I even made her do what I was asking her to do again, and she did and she actually behaved. Hallelujah. Thank goodness for the little successes, right?

Even though she still has the same personality traits and is stubborn and lazy and a brat (and probably always will be), at least now I have a better idea of how to handle it and how to anticipate and correct those things before they happen. This is definitely going to be an interesting journey with this horse, that is for sure. And even though she occasionally tries to kill me, my horse secretly loves me...I'll keep telling myself that anyway :o)

1 comment:

  1. Remember Atticus? He secretly loved you too! :-)

    I hope that you are heavily padded when riding Bay!!
