Monday, July 6, 2009


A few random thoughts for the evening...

How much of a watermelon is actually composed of water?

I desperately need a haircut, but haven't gotten one because A) I don't know what I want or how to describe what I want to a hairdresser B) I can't get what I want right now because my layers are all weird

A while ago I saw an infomercial for this hair tool thing that looked awesome; it was a straightener, but it could curl sections of hair as well and give it body, etc, but I can't remember WHAT it was called or which channel I saw it on!! I really want it, or I at least think I want it at the moment.

I should probably get some kind of hoof supplement for my horse because her hooves are cracking like crazy, but there are sooo many I don't know which one to get, which one will be the best? I feel paralyzed by my indecision...

I'm supposed to go to Busch Gardens with a friend a week from Saturday but I don't really want to, mostly because I just looked up the price and found out it's pretty much ridiculous. Especially when I am trying to save money, which isn't really working due to the fact that I have a horse to take care of now.

A few days ago my horse lost her halter somewhere in the field. I went looking for it today which was hilarious because my horse followed me as I was scouring the field to find it. I kept telling her, "Where's your halter? Go find your halter" and a minute or two later she walked ahead of me a few feet and as if on cue, stopped and smelled her halter which was on the ground. I would've found it sooner or later, but I definitely appreciated the fact that she pointed it out to me.

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