Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pizza and this week's goal

My friend Liz and her fiance came over Saturday night and we made pizza from scratch. It was pretty good if I do say so myself. And even though it wasn't restaurant quality, as my older brother so readily pointed out to us after he tried some, it was still good, and we had fun making it. And now we can all say we made pizza from scratch. Go us!

I started watching The Prestige on Friday because I hadn't seen it for a while and it just sounded good, and then I was trying to remember how the book differs from the movie so I decided I needed to reread the book. I read it a few years ago and I'm such a slow reader that by the time I had finished it I had pretty much forgotten most of the beginning and middle, which was very inconvenient because The Prestige is not one of those books where you can forget the middle or beginning and still have it make sense. It's a pretty involved plot and it's difficult to keep everything straight. So now I'm trying to reread it faster and hopefully remember more of the details. That's my goal for this week. And I want to finish reading Seabiscuit (which I started reading at least two years ago, got a third of the way through, and stopped), because I'm feeling overzealous and a tad bit unrealistic right now. I need a goal for the week to keep me busy while I'm not working very much and since I probably won't be able to go riding because I need to get everyone to sign that paper and that may end up taking longer than I'd like.

Yesterday would have been such an excellent day to ride too. Oh well, we worked on the shed and made some progress there so that's good.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i am so glad you complimented our pizza. It wasn't bad by any means, just interesting. Mainly the crust. Someday we will find a good crust. I will have to put pictures up from this night soon.

    Do you have to have papers signed before you ride??
