Thursday, June 18, 2009

Feeling Accomplished

I am so proud of myself, I just had to blog about it. I read a book today. An entire book in ONE day! That might not sound like anything to be proud of, but anyone who knows me knows that is like the biggest accomplishment of my LIFE because it usually takes me WEEKS, to finish a book, if not longer! And today I read one (only 200 pages, but still) in only 2 hours. Do you realize what this means? This means that if I work really hard I could be reading several books a day. That would be nice, and definitely a good way to spend my time considering that I don't have that much going on in my life right now. Plus I could knock a few books off of my To Read list in not very much time at all. Woo hoo! I'm feeling very accomplished right now, so I'm going to ignore all the factors about the book I read that might make my feat seem less successful (i.e. the fact that it was a teen novel with easy words, and that I had read it back in high school). But hey, I'm still proud of myself despite that fact. Yay for reading fast!

I had forgotten how much I love that book too. And I still remembered the main plot and even some of the details without having to read every single word to myself in my head, like I normally do. I always thought reading fast made you miss out on the details or the important stuff in books, I'm so glad I was wrong.

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