Saturday, July 3, 2010

100 Things...

Because I seem to be in a surprisingly good mood today, here is a somewhat upbeat entry for a change.

I heard about this little exercise where you try to make a list of 100 things you want (to do, to have, to achieve, etc.) and then see how many of them you actually get/achieve/do down the roller-coaster road we call life.

Here is mine so far, in no particular order:

I want...

1. To graduate

2. To move out of my mom's house

3. A job that I am enjoy and am happy in, a job that will allow me to still have adequate free time to pursue my hobbies/interest, and is lucrative enough that I can fund my hobbies (Maybe that should be three separate things)

4. To meet a guy I am crazy about and that is crazy about me

5. To make friends easier

6. To take a pottery making class

7. To take a jewelry/bead class

8. To get healthier and lose weight

9. To love myself completely, unconditionally, and unequivocally

10. A boyfriend

11. To be myself without caring what others think

12. To be honest to goodness happy

13. To change the negative thinking patterns

14. To go on a cruise

15. To drive across the country and take my sweet time doing it and to go to Mount Rushmore, and Niagara Falls

16. To fall deeply and madly in love

17. Marry a guy I am deeply and madly in love with and who feels the same about me

18. Let go of the past

19. Develop my skills in photography

20. A nice DSLR camera

21. to take riding lessons in Dressage or jumping with my horse

22. to be able to really and truly talk to my dad without it feeling awkward or forced

23. A house and several acres for my horse

24. A Netherland dwarf rabbit

25. to visit Paris

26. to go on a safari in Africa

27. To wake up every day with a purpose

28. To own a horse that is a good match for me and who bonds with and trusts me

29. To let go of all the anger that I carry with me like it's my identity

30. To know who I am and what I am supposed to do here