Saturday, March 13, 2010

Someone hide my credit card, quick!

Hello, my name is Jocelyn and I am addicted to buying products from infomercials. That is what I would say if I were in some type of an addiction recovery program, haha. But don't worry I'm going to nip this in the bud before it becomes a real problem.

I hardly ever watch t.v. anymore because I just don't have time with my work schedule, but of course, on my day off yesterday, in the few minutes during which I was waiting for a friend to come over I might add, I turned on the t.v. and there was an infomercial for The Firm's The Wave exercise program. Now, I only watched the infomercial for about 5 minutes before turning it off because my friend had arrived. But somehow, in those 5 minutes I got it in my head that I should give this program a try and that it might be better/more effective than the other infomercial product I recently purchased (a few weeks ago).

I kept trying to talk myself out of it but then I tried to rationalize it by telling myself things like, "oh this will be good, you're giving yourself options. Now you can try this program out and compare it to the one you already bought to see which one you like better." I basically told myself that if I ordered it I would have to pick one of the products to return because having two exercise products is kind of ridiculous. So once this one comes I will try it out and see if I like it better than the Slim in 6 I've been doing.

Now I'm trying to talk myself out of spending way too much on the new makeup that I tried out and actually really LOVE. And did I mention that was having a shoe sale and that yesterday I bought a pair of black moccasins that I may or may not actually ever use, and I pretty much felt compelled to buy them just because they were on sale for $31 rather than the usual $65? (and I wanted to buy them because I've always wanted a pair of moccasins, but honestly, when am I ever going to use them?) Who is developing a horrible spending habit? Apparently some crazy girl named Jocelyn. Oh wait, that would be me.

I think someone needs to hide my credit card before I get myself into some trouble. Actually, it really is fine, I've already figured out my budget and established that I can purchase all these things and still be fine. The real question is whether or not I should.