Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

I have been at my sister's in AZ this past week, which has been nice, interesting, but nice. I haven't visited her and her family for years, and I've never visited while they've lived here. I love my sister but I think I'm only just now starting to realize how very different we really are. And while they really only criticize a select few subjects, I honestly just cannot stand the criticism they do dish out on those subjects. And sometimes she makes me angry for stupid reasons. Oh wait, it's the new year. I'm going to stop right there with my little and loud complaints because none of that is really important right now. What is important is that it is a new year and I'm going to do what I can - no, scratch that. I'm going to make this a good year. The first in a very long time.

Sometimes it's hard to be yourself when you don't feel at liberty to speak your mind or say what you want. And the annoying thing is that that is exactly how I feel with practically everyone. I can't think of even one person to whom I would feel truly comfortable saying anything. Sometimes what you have to say is not nice or good or worthwhile, but regardless, you just need to say it, even if it's just for you.

I need to make a new blog devoted to what should be my one and only real goal for this year. I'll have to do that when I get back.