Sunday, August 9, 2009


The other day my sister told me a quote about forgiveness. It went something like this: Forgiveness is giving up hope for a better past.

Two things struck me as I thought about what that meant. The first thing was that I wanted to CRY when I heard it, and I wanted to scream because I couldn't get past the giving up hope part. The second thought was that, as difficult as it was to accept and believe, I knew it was a true statement.

So why does it feel so impossible to actually do? Why do I feel so hopeless and angry about it? And why can't I let it all go and FREAKING move on with MY life????

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Quick Wish List

Digital picture frame

External hard drive

New shoes - actually this is not a wish, it is a must before I go back to school since I have absolutely ZERO pairs of shoes that I can wear when I'm actually at school.

Digital camera that actually works